Friday, June 3, 2016

Day 155: Week 23 Summary

There's nothing too exciting or new to report.  I've been doing a lot of research on universities with art programs that I can dump the last of my GI Bill into before the funds expire.  The only problem is that I can't get the full benefits unless I attend classes face to face, which limits me to after work hour courses.

That hasn't been working out so hot for me, so I'm now digging around for on line courses so I can at least get 50% of the housing benefits and I'll just try to max out on the courses I can take to get lots of books and instruction time.

In the meantime, I'm still doing family practice with my daughter.  She's shifted from inking my lines to coloring them so that's been fun.  I've laid the groundwork for the next few books I'll be tackling.  For now I just have to keep my hands limber and enjoy as much time with the family as I can until I drop them off at the airport.

Things should get much more interesting on here after that.


Pages Read This Week 0
Total Pages Read Since Launch 1456
Books Completed Since Launch 13
Total Tutorial Run-time 13 hours 23 minutes
Days Since Launch 155
 - Active Days (1 hour or more of practice) 147
Drawing Time This Week 6 hours
Drawing Time Total 144 hours 5 minutes

* I'm considering Friday to be the end of the week for tracking metrics so that it lines up with my summary posts.

** I had to use a some fuzzy math to figure the page count for some of my Kindle books since they only have location tagging.

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