Friday, March 11, 2016

Day 71: Week 11 Summary

I've been wrestling around with the idea of when I would break into using digital tools.  After reading the hundredth or so artist mention how they moved to digital over a decade ago and never looked back, I've come to the conclusion that I really can't put it off anymore.

If I plan to stick with the initial idea of shifting gears to a short form web comic at the start of year 2, I can't be a complete digital novice.  So I'm still going to sketch from time to time.  I'm just going on hiatus from the whole one page per day goal I had going.

Trying to crunch out something scan worthy left me with minutes each day to break in Krita and Manga Studio.  If I had a solid background in Photoshop or GIMP that might just work.  But the closest thing to a digital program I've ever put time into was Mario Paint and I mainly played around with the music program in that one.

With any luck I'll be crunching out even more practice by working directly on the computer.  That will save me time on erasing, clean up, and scanning.  It might not sound like a lot, but every minute helps when you're as strapped for time as I am.

On an up note, I finished the beat sheet for the first issue of my future first comic.  If my schedule sticks I'll have the actual script worked out by next Friday.


Pages Read This Week 66
Total Pages Read Since Launch 1146
Books Completed Since Launch 12
Total Tutorial Run-time 6 hours 30 minutes
Days Since Launch 71
 - Active Days (1 hour or more of practice) 70
Drawing Time This Week 7 hours
Drawing Time Total 71 hours 34 minutes

* I'm considering Friday to be the end of the week for tracking metrics so that it lines up with my summary posts.

** I had to use a some fuzzy math to figure the page count for some of my Kindle books since they only have location tagging.

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