Friday, February 26, 2016

Day 57: Week 9 Summary

This was a rough week for drawing.  I'm throwing some time at working up a script from one of my old plot lines and it's been eating into my dedicated drawing window.  So I've had to squeeze in drawing sessions with my daughter's Crayolas while I'm watching the kids.  I'm still enjoying the gesture drawing practice, so that cuts my actual drawing cartoon window down to 30'ish minutes.

This is actually two days worth of drawings.  I rehashed the opening example from Cartoon Cool using the new stencil I got to make the base circles uniform.  Didn't do much for making the final pictures more uniform... but the third face actually turned out pretty close to the reference.  Alien guy is from the Simpsons for any younger readers out there.

This is a Prinny from NIS's Disgaea series.  They just released a port on Steam which I'm really excited about and I figured I would roll with the idea of doing a focused study a little early.  The mapping and notes are ideas I worked out from deviantArt's Chickenlover13.  His complete study includes contour lines and is way above the level I'm at right now, so it's pure gold as a reference.

This is what a week's worth of 30 minute gesture drawings looks like.  Well, half of it anyway since I didn't flip every page.  Yeah, I did it on lined notebook paper.  Thanks to school I have dozens of partially used college ruled notebook paper and this seems like as good a use for that as anything.


Pages Read This Week 130
Total Pages Read Since Launch 943
Books Completed Since Launch 11
Total Tutorial Run-time 4 hours 45 minutes
Days Since Launch 57
 - Active Days (1 hour or more of practice) 57
Drawing Time This Week 7 hours 5 minutes
Drawing Time Total 58 hours 19 minutes

* I'm considering Friday to be the end of the week for tracking metrics so that it lines up with my summary posts.

** I had to use a some fuzzy math to figure the page count for some of my Kindle books since they only have location tagging.

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