Friday, January 29, 2016

Day 29: Week 5 Summary

This wraps up the fifth week of regular drawing practice. I've definitely plateaued with the improvement I can see in my sketch work. It's also been difficult to lock in on a single focus since the book I'm reading this week leans more towards writing and format techniques for comics.

The expression exercises have been pretty interesting. It's equal parts fun and frustrating to see how drastically the feel of a face can change when you shift an eyebrow or tweak a pupil even a little bit. This is definitely an area that can benefit from throwing tones of effort and assembly line style repetition.  The characters I studied came from random Google image searches, but I'd like to give credit to dA's OwlyGem, Monecule, Octeapi to name a few.

My early approach to anatomy is copying studies that other people have already drawn. I want to work from my copy of "Atlas of Human Anatomy for the Artist", but I feel like that's still a little out of my league right now.

I did a lot of gesture drawings using  I haven't worked down to one minute gestures, but the five minute timer is a pretty good pace right now.  I'd like to work gesture drawings into my daily ritual to familiarize myself more with the natural movements of the human body but that might be a ways off yet.


Pages Read This Week 102
Total Pages Read Since Launch 400
Books Completed Since Launch 6
Total Tutorial Run-time 2 hours 44 minutes
Days Since Launch 29
 - Active Days (1 hour or more of practice) 29
Drawing Time This Week 7 hour 10 minutes
Drawing Time Total 30 hour 2 minutes

* I'm considering Friday to be the end of the week for tracking metrics so that it lines up with my summary posts.

** I had to use a some fuzzy math to figure the page count for some of my Kindle books since they only have location tagging.

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