Friday, July 15, 2016

Day 197: Hiatus Pt. 2

Just a quick note to let people know I haven't disappeared.  The break is really helping me with my focus.  I've been able to knock out a plot structure book that's been on my read list for months now.  The notes I took are already helping to stream line my script writing process.

After I get back from my business trip I'll be able to set down at the drawing desk with fresh eyes and some renewed motivation.  One piece of advice I can give at this point is to make sure you have some fun while you're drawing.  If you get too hung up on dedicated studies and singling out your weak spots it can be pretty soul crushing.  I'm definitely adding that to my list of things not to do in the future.


Pages Read This Week 240
Total Pages Read Since Launch 1760
Books Completed Since Launch 14
Total Tutorial Run-time 14 hours 33 minutes
Days Since Launch 197
 - Active Days (1 hour or more of practice) 164
Drawing Time This Week 20 minutes
Drawing Time Total 160 hours 35 minutes

* I'm considering Friday to be the end of the week for tracking metrics so that it lines up with my summary posts.

** I had to use a some fuzzy math to figure the page count for some of my Kindle books since they only have location tagging.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Day 183: Hiatus

I'm taking a temporary break from the blogging and daily goals.  It's not like I got tired of drawing after six months.  I just reached the point where this schedule and format puts unnecessary limits on what I'm trying to do.  I mean, it's hard to sit down and write out a script if I only have a finite amount of spare time and a chunk of it is sectioned off to aimlessly copying muscle structures and random perspective tutorials.

The plan for the time being is to dump as much time as I need to into breathing some life into an original project that I can use to drive my progress over the current plateau I'm stuck on.  I'm still tracking time on my spreadsheet, it's just collecting a lot more big fat zeroes now that days are being chucked at plot structure and character development.  Hopefully it will pay off big, so stay tuned.  Or not, you can always catch up later when this blog is moving again.