Friday, May 27, 2016

Day 148: Week 22 Summary

This was a pretty successful week for getting back to the basics and honing my pencil and paper skills.  An added bonus for me was that my daughter has made drawing with me part of our nightly routine before she goes to bed.

We usually just draw pictures from the comics that are laying around.  There's also been a few tutorials on YouTube that helped us turn out a pretty sweet Robonyan and SD Deadpool.  I'd put up scans of those but they ended up crumbled up in one of her toy boxes.  She likes to take the finished drawings to bed when we're done so I haven't had a lot of luck scanning them.

That being said, it's still great practice.  I'm a little bummed out that she's gotten interested now when she's leaving the country to visit her grandparents in a few weeks.  I haven't had any luck lining up my art classes at the local community college so I'm laying the ground work to roll through the lessons included in Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain.  If the testimonials in the workbook are real, there should be tons of cool work to post when I finish up with that.


Pages Read This Week 0
Total Pages Read Since Launch 1456
Books Completed Since Launch 13
Total Tutorial Run-time 13 hours 23 minutes
Days Since Launch 148
 - Active Days (1 hour or more of practice) 141
Drawing Time This Week 7 hours
Drawing Time Total 138 hours 5 minutes

* I'm considering Friday to be the end of the week for tracking metrics so that it lines up with my summary posts.

** I had to use a some fuzzy math to figure the page count for some of my Kindle books since they only have location tagging.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Day 141: Week 21 Summary

I had another "last man standing" kind of week.  First my daughter got a fever, then my son got an ear infection, then my wife had a turn at the fever.  So far I've managed to avoid the bug that's going around but picking up the extra slack around the house ate into my drawing time.

The time I did come by I used to work on gesture drawings and some Yokai watch doodles for my daughter.  It does make me wonder what kind of witch craft you have to know to make colored pencils look good.  Even the expensive ones I have are just a small step above crayons.  The combination of their waxy tips and the grain of my paper makes it nearly impossible to get a smooth consistent color anywhere.

Probably my main motivation for doing this whole drawing bit this late in life is because I want to at least try to spark an interest in my own kids while they are still young.  I fell in love with comics and drawing thanks to my dad drawing my favorite characters, so I'd really like to pass that on.

I don't really have any big goals for the upcoming week, just going to keep putting in the time for now.  I think my daughter wants me to draw Pikachu next so I'll probably play around with that a bit.


Pages Read This Week 0
Total Pages Read Since Launch 1456
Books Completed Since Launch 13
Total Tutorial Run-time 12 hours 52 minutes
Days Since Launch 141
 - Active Days (1 hour or more of practice) 134
Drawing Time This Week 5 hours
Drawing Time Total 131 hours 5 minutes

* I'm considering Friday to be the end of the week for tracking metrics so that it lines up with my summary posts.

** I had to use a some fuzzy math to figure the page count for some of my Kindle books since they only have location tagging.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Day 137: Libbie Hawker's "Take Off Your Pants!: Outline Your Books for Faster, Better Writing"

Quick Overview
Level: Intermediate
Pages: 108
Published: 2015
Arbitrary Rating: 4/5
Plan to Reread: Yes

It's been a crazy long time since I could sit down and read through a book.  I snagged the kindle version of Libbie Hawker's "Take Off Your Pants!: Outline Your Books for Faster, Better Writing" while it was on sale earlier and it's just the right length to get through in a single setting.

One thing I've noticed going through all these how-to guides is that the books that focus on writing have been much easier to read.  I'm not just talking about better formatting and layout.  These books have been genuinely more enjoyable to flip through even when I'm not taking notes.  I guess that says a lot about what learning to write can do for your writing style.

Libbie's book has a bit of the "Anyone can do it, trust me" jazz that you find in most how-to books.  It's blended in with some legitimate good advice though, so I don't really consider it a negative this time around.  I may come back and do a follow up post for this book after I've had the chance to apply the outline scheme to one of my own stories.

If you're interested in writing, don't know where to start, or find yourself getting lost in tangled character developments then this book would probably be a good read for you.  Some people hate on applying any kind of formula to the creative process.  Even if you decide that planning ahead doesn't work for your writing method it's still a worthwhile read just to see where other writer's are likely coming from.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Day 134: Week 20 Summary

I managed to squeeze in a quick e-book on outlining stories, finished Saga Vol 1 and Gotham Academy Vol 1. That's a pretty successful week for me as far as reading goes.  I had to play around a bit more with my final t-shirt design but mostly this week was back to mechanical pencils and working through reams of printer paper.

I'm very slowly working my way through Matt Groening's "The Simpsons Handbook: Secret Tips from the Pros".  The plan is to draw every picture in the book at least once and add my own notes along the way.  Sure, it's a bit of a deviation from the anatomy studies I've been working on but it's just fun to draw something that looks like it's supposed to look.

I'm still planning to start my web comic on January 1st, I so I need to understand how to design a character that's easily drawn and looks consistent from panel to panel.  Matt's book is fantastic for this, I just wish more animators would release handbooks like this one.


Pages Read This Week 162
Total Pages Read Since Launch 1618
Books Completed Since Launch 14
Total Tutorial Run-time 12 hours 52 minutes
Days Since Launch 134
 - Active Days (1 hour or more of practice) 129
Drawing Time This Week 7 hours 5 minutes
Drawing Time Total 126 hours 5 minutes

* I'm considering Friday to be the end of the week for tracking metrics so that it lines up with my summary posts.

** I had to use a some fuzzy math to figure the page count for some of my Kindle books since they only have location tagging.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Day 127: Week 19 Summary

This week wraps up the final version for my panel on the club t-shirt.  I'm still playing around with an alternate version that has a single focus to make better use of the limited print size, but at least now there's no looming deadline.

One thing this proved to me is that application is worth a million times more than theory when it comes to art.  The process I worked out in my head didn't go anywhere near as smoothly as I thought.  I ended up making the same mistake a lot of the tutorial hosts I follow make switching to the wrong layer and having touch ups where they weren't supposed to be.

During the filling process I found out that Manga Studio's edge sense isn't too keen on gray toned drawings.  So every time I tried to add whites or background colors it would eat up some of my line thickness.  I tried to auto correct it using the line correction tool, but it had the same problem.  Some lines would blow up to four or five times the original size and other lines wouldn't change at all.

I need to either spend more time darkening my lines or figure out how to get a threshold setting on my scanner that gives me dark lines without turning the page brown.  If I had done that up front I probably would have shaved several hours off this project.

Left is the original pencil work (Pentel Graph Gear 1000 w/ .7 lead with Col-Erase base lines).  I scanned and removed some of the noise before importing it into Manga Studio and shifting the hue to make it easier to work over.

I was going for an ukiyo-e look for the clouds to give my panel a different feel from the sci-fi and noir styles I'd already seen in some of the other submissions.  I had the option to break the bottom panel, but ended up staying in the frame.  When I dropped the lower guy's elbow and extended the spear butt off the bottom it didn't look as good on paper as it did in my head.

More inks and background.  I didn't like a solid black field on the bottom, so I copied the long cloud on top and inverted the colors.  I'm not sure if it looks like a shadow or a river, but I was aiming for shadow.

Looks like Read, Watch, Draw has passed the 1k page view milestone!  Thanks to all the early viewers who are putting up with the low quality posts and wonky writing style.  It kind of snuck up on me so I don't have one of those snazzy thank you pin ups.  I'll work on having one ready for when we hit the 5k mark.


Pages Read This Week 0
Total Pages Read Since Launch 1456
Books Completed Since Launch 13
Total Tutorial Run-time 12 hours 52 minutes
Days Since Launch 127
 - Active Days (1 hour or more of practice) 122
Drawing Time This Week 8 hours
Drawing Time Total 119 hours

* I'm considering Friday to be the end of the week for tracking metrics so that it lines up with my summary posts.

** I had to use a some fuzzy math to figure the page count for some of my Kindle books since they only have location tagging.